What is pigment?

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At the heart of every drop of paint, every thread of fabric, every part of your colorful phone case is a pigment. Pigments are compounds added to materials to give them color. This deceptively simple program has shaped our understanding of the world through art, fashion, and even computer screens and medicine. Pigments are used in paints, inks, plastics, textiles, cosmetics and food.

What is pigment?

Pigments are natural and synthetic powders insoluble in water and oil, which are used to color plastic, paper, etc. In fact, these compounds are solid materials that are added to the paint liquid to increase its stability and provide good coverage for the paint. In most cases, a light color is the result of a substance that absorbs light in the visible spectrum. These compounds are divided into organic and inorganic categories. In industry, they are divided into three categories: absorbent pigments used in watercolor paints, metallic effect pigments used to create surface luster, and pearlescent pigments.

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